How expanding soil affects foundation walls
Expansive soil is one of the primary causes of foundation problems in Jamestown, NY. As our soil expands or contracts with seasonal temperature and water fluctuations, it can shift, erode, or degrade over time, which causes changes to the load-bearing capacity of the soil, and exerts excessive pressure against the foundation of your home. With more than 30 years of experience in the industry, the experts at Total Foundation Solutions have seen their share of soil-related crawl space and foundation problems in Jamestown, and they solved them with affordable, long-lasting foundation repair techniques. If you have noticed signs that your foundation may need repair from the expansive soils in Jamestown, give the top foundation repair company a call and schedule your free estimate today.
In Jamestown, expanding soils can be a significant problem for homeowners, and can affect your home in several different ways:

Backfill Soils
When contractors built your home, they excavated the ground to lay the foundation, then refilled the hole with the soil that now surrounds your foundation and basement walls. This “backfill” dirt becomes expansive soil, which is much less stable and tends to absorb more moisture than virgin soil. As they take on water and expand, they increase the inward pressure exerted on your foundation, potentially leading to cracks, water intrusion, and bowed basement walls.

Wet, Clay Soils
Most soils are a mix of sand, silt, and clay, which interact differently with water. Soils with high clay content can be expansive soils under your Jamestown property, tending to expand easily during times of moisture, and to shrink and shift during dry conditions. This cycle of movement wears and tears on your foundation, causing problems in need of professional repair.

Frost Heave
In areas like Jamestown that experience freezing temperatures part of the year, frost can cause soils to expand and harden. When water turns to ice, its volume increases by about 9%. This heaving force can cause bowing and cracking in your foundation walls.

Hydrostatic Pressure
This is a term for the pressure exerted by a fluid due to gravity. Think of how soil gets heavier when it’s wet. As expansive soils around your Jamestown home take on moisture, it increases the inward force on your foundation walls, potentially leading to cracks and water damage.

Do you need a foundation repaired?
Expanding soils and soil issues are the top reasons why people seek foundation repair in Jamestown, and our professional team at Total Foundation Solutions can help you if you are concerned about your home. We can come out and inspect your foundation and surrounding soil, and recommend the best repair solutions for your needs!