Youngstown Buckling Interior Wall Repair

Total Foundation Solutions in Youngstown stabilizes and repairs foundation walls that are bowing, buckling, or tilting inward.

Identifying & repairing issues related to foundation wall failure

When your foundation walls show signs of movement like bowing, buckling, or tilting inward, it’s important you reach out to a bowing basement wall repair specialist in Youngstown right away. These signs indicate weakened or damaged foundation walls, and the sooner they are repaired the better. The good news is that bowing or buckling foundation walls can be repaired, preventing further foundation damage from occurring.


If you’ve noticed signs of buckling or bowing walls in your home, the experienced team at Total Foundation Solutions can help solve your foundation problems. Call us today for a foundation inspection and to get a free estimate for bowing basement wall repair for your Youngstown home.


Signs of bowing foundation walls

Many forces can cause foundation walls to move inward. These include external hydrostatic pressure, expansive surrounding soil, and foundation settling. Our experts will inspect your home, identify the underlying cause of your buckling interior walls, and recommend an appropriate solution.


Here are a few signs to be aware of:

  • Walls moving inward, at the bottom or the top
  • Walls showing inward buckling, bulging or bowing
  • Cracking along the foundation wall, either stair-step or horizontal
  • Diagonal cracks at the corner of concrete walls
  • Expansive or wet clay soils around the structure, along with damaged walls


How we can fix it:

Our preferred method is to use GeoLock™ Wall Anchors. This warrantied system has a clamping pressure that stabilizes and restores bowing basement walls. Our repair specialists in Youngstown follow these installation steps to install the wall anchors:

1 - Dig holes to place the earth anchors

2 - Prepare the foundation wall

3 - Attach the earth anchor

4 - Mount the wall plate

5 - Restore your landscaping


Sometimes, space may prohibit us from using these wall anchors. When that happens, we recommend either the CarbonArmor® Wall Reinforcing System or the PowerBrace™ system.



Made from high-tech carbon fiber, CarbonArmor is 10 times stronger than steel reinforcements. Used to strengthen and stabilize buckling interior walls, it will help withstand external pressure and support your walls.


The PowerBrace™ System

A patented system specifically designed to stabilize failing walls, The PowerBrace system will straighten your walls over time. The PowerBrace is a good alternative when the yard outside the home is inaccessible.


Total Foundation Solutions is proud to provide solutions that will permanently repair your buckling interior walls and bowing basement walls in Youngstown. Call now for your free estimate!

Protect your foundation. Your foundation is too important to take risks with, which is why we provide complete repair and stabilization solutions.